Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lebozec, Lana. "Family Expectations of Vietnamese Son." Suite101.Com. 21 Sept. 2000. 28 Apr. 2008 . The author Lana Lebozec writes about a cultures expectations of their children. In the Vietnamese culture they have the highest expectations for their first born son and she tells how they treat him and what they think of them. Some of the first sons responsibilities are taking care of his parents when they get old and also running the household when the father dies. Along with taking care of his parents, he also has to take care of the other siblings in the house.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Many people might think that people that commit a crime and get away with it are off the hook, but really most people would feel guilt for the rest of their life. One example of this is with Dan Scott from One Tree Hill. Dan was caught murdering his brother Keith Scott in the school hallway. From that day on, Dan started seeing images of himself and his brother Keith as children. In result, he starts acting in a weird manner and doing things that make people suspicious of his doing. Eventually his guilt caught up to him, and he was proven guilty with murder.
There is a point in everyone’s life when they feel a sense of guilt for what they have done. If it’s disobeying their parents or telling a lie, guilt makes you feel even worse than the punishment. One time I said something to someone that might have hurt him or her not realizing. For two days after I felt so guilty and that’s all you think about. Eventually after talking to that person, I realized that the person didn’t even have second thoughts about what I said. When I was worrying the whole day if they were going to be mad at me, it didn’t even cross their mind.
Guilt caused some major issues in Macbeth. After the killing of Banquo and Duncan, Lady Macbeth felt extremely guilty. She felt so guilty that she started to sleep talk about it while other people were listening. Lady Macbeth confessed about the murder not knowing or meaning to do it. When you feel guilty, it is hard to take the matter out of your head so it is all you think about. In the book we just found out that Lady Macbeth was killed. Her killing could have been in result of what she confessed to while she slept walk.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

People’s thoughts of feminism in today’s world are a little different than what feminism really is. When people think of feminism, they think of beauty and what they think is perfect, like Paris Hilton. But really the perfect people are the good role models who make a difference in the world. People associate glamour and fame with feminism which isn’t reality. Real people are the ones we don’t see on reality shows or going to jail every other week. I don’t feel that Paris Hilton is a person that young people should look up too. In reality, she doesn’t live the “normal” life and doesn’t portray behavior that people should follow. However, I feel that Lady Macbeth in some ways could be a positive role model. Lady Macbeth shows great courage and she is trying to show that women should have the same rights as men do. All around, I do feel that she is a woman displaying positive characteristics for women.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Power can sometimes change and corrupt a person's perspective and mind on life. Trujillo, the dictator of Dominican Republic during the 1930's is an example of power leading to disaster. At the beginning of his reign, he was a valued leader who administrated political and civil rights. By the end of his reign, the power went to his head and eventually ended up murdering up to 30,000 people due to them being haitians, having darker skin, or going against Trujillo's word. Though the years, Trujillo's power went to his head and that's when his ruling became a genocide. Someone who can be compared to Trujillo at a smaller scale is Macbeth. When Macbeth heard that he could possible become King, he took matters into his own hands instead of waiting of the right time. Macbeth decided to kill King Duncan, who was ruling at the time, so he could become king. his reason for killing Duncan is understandable, but it at no means justifies his wrong doing.

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